UPDATED: Don’t let BLM Close 437 Miles of the Most Popular Trails on Earth in Moab’s Labyrinth Rims/Gemini Bridges Travel Management Plan

UPDATED: Don’t let BLM Close 437 Miles of the Most Popular Trails on Earth in Moab’s Labyrinth Rims/Gemini Bridges Travel Management Plan

UPDATE: Comment Period has been extended through October 21, 2022 Overview of the plan Recently the Bureau of Land Management released the Draft Travel Management Plan for the Labyrinth Rims/Gemini Bridges area. This is located in Southern Utah between Green River and...
Defend Your Ground Episode 1: Don’t Let Moab BLM Cancel Dispersed Camping

Defend Your Ground Episode 1: Don’t Let Moab BLM Cancel Dispersed Camping

We are excited to announce that we have launched the Defend Your Ground Podcast as one more way that we can keep you informed of the work we are doing. Speak up to Protect Dispersed Camping Around Moab In our first episode we discuss the BLM plans to close/restrict...