Oppose New Areas of Critical Environmental Concern in Bears Ears National Monument

Oppose New Areas of Critical Environmental Concern in Bears Ears National Monument

Bears Ears National Monument in southeast Utah is updating the resource management plan, the overarching plan that will direct the future of the monument for decades. This plan will show which areas are off limits to certain users including mining, recreation,...
12 Days of Legal Updates: Day 11 Save Our Public Lands from a Wall Street Hostile Takeover

12 Days of Legal Updates: Day 11 Save Our Public Lands from a Wall Street Hostile Takeover

BlueRibbon Coalition recently engaged on a public rulemaking proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Yes, you read that right. You might be asking what a financial regulator has to do with BRC’s mission of protecting recreation access to public land? The...
Add Your Organization to Our Letter Opposing the Bureau of Land Management Conservation Rule

Add Your Organization to Our Letter Opposing the Bureau of Land Management Conservation Rule

Proposed changes to FLPMA by the Bureau of Land Management pose a massive threat to our public lands and current uses of these lands. While recreation, mining and grazing are all recognized uses of BLM lands, the rule would designate conservation as a use on par with...
CONTACT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS: BRC Supports Legislation to Withdraw Proposed BLM Rule “Conservation and Landscape Health”

CONTACT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS: BRC Supports Legislation to Withdraw Proposed BLM Rule “Conservation and Landscape Health”

The Bureau of Land Management recently proposed a new rule to FLPMA to prioritize conservation and landscape health on BLM managed lands. This rule proposes prioritizing conservation on BLM land through a new scheme of selling “conservation leases.” This...