Oppose The Owyhee Wilderness in Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho

Oppose The Owyhee Wilderness in Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho

Senator Wyden of Oregon has proposed a bill, S. 1890, which will designate 1,134,292 acres as Wilderness completely restricted from motorized and mechanized use in the south eastern corner of Oregon and into Idaho. That is larger than the entire state of Rhode Island....
CONTACT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS: BRC Supports Legislation to Withdraw Proposed BLM Rule “Conservation and Landscape Health”

CONTACT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS: BRC Supports Legislation to Withdraw Proposed BLM Rule “Conservation and Landscape Health”

The Bureau of Land Management recently proposed a new rule to FLPMA to prioritize conservation and landscape health on BLM managed lands. This rule proposes prioritizing conservation on BLM land through a new scheme of selling “conservation leases.” This...
Forest Service Proposed Rule to Prioritize Conservation Instead of Management

Forest Service Proposed Rule to Prioritize Conservation Instead of Management

Just days after the BLM announced their proposed supplementary rule which would prioritize conservation, the US Forest Service released a proposed rule that also has the same deadline, June 20, 2023 for public comment. Please join with BRC and others and submit a...
Defend Your Ground Podcast Episode 4: A New Reservation System for the Tuweep Area, Dogs and Dispersed Camping, and a new wilderness bill to oppose

Defend Your Ground Podcast Episode 4: A New Reservation System for the Tuweep Area, Dogs and Dispersed Camping, and a new wilderness bill to oppose

The Tuweep Area of the Grand Canyon has introduced a new reservation system to limit access to this unique, remote way to experience this national park. We discuss some of the problems with this new program. Also, we fill you in on BLM plans to require dogs to be on a...