Plan Will Update Management for Nearly 400,000 Acres in Northwest California

Plan Will Update Management for Nearly 400,000 Acres in Northwest California

The Redding and Arcata Bureau of Land Management Field offices in northwest California are redoing the Resource Management Plan that will direct future management decisions for BLM managed lands. The entire area includes 14.4 million acres however, BLM only manages...
Support Outdoor Recreation in the Manti-La Sal National Forest Forest Plan – Deadline November 16

Support Outdoor Recreation in the Manti-La Sal National Forest Forest Plan – Deadline November 16

Forest Service has released the draft forest management plan and environmental impact statement for the Manti-La Sal National Forest. This forest covers three areas in southern and central Utah and a small portion of western Colorado encompassing a total of 1.4...
Oppose The Owyhee Wilderness in Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho

Oppose The Owyhee Wilderness in Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho

Senator Wyden of Oregon has proposed a bill, S. 1890, which will designate 1,134,292 acres as Wilderness completely restricted from motorized and mechanized use in the south eastern corner of Oregon and into Idaho. That is larger than the entire state of Rhode Island....
Forest Service Proposed Rule to Prioritize Conservation Instead of Management

Forest Service Proposed Rule to Prioritize Conservation Instead of Management

Just days after the BLM announced their proposed supplementary rule which would prioritize conservation, the US Forest Service released a proposed rule that also has the same deadline, June 20, 2023 for public comment. Please join with BRC and others and submit a...
Upper Snake BLM Area in Idaho Slated for Numerous Road Closures

Upper Snake BLM Area in Idaho Slated for Numerous Road Closures

UPDATE: The comment period has been extended through July 10, 2023. Please use the tool at the bottom of the page to submit your comment to the BLM today. The largest field office in Idaho, the Upper Snake Field Office on the east side of Idaho, managed by the BLM is...