WASHINGTON – NOVA Fund is at Risk Again

WASHINGTON – NOVA Fund is at Risk AgainDear BRC members and Action Alert Subscriber,

BRC has just received an email from our access partners over at the Washington Off Highway Vehicle Alliance (WOHVA) regarding language in some upcoming legislation that could redirect funds from the NOVA account directly to the DNR for non-motorized purposes.

We’ve pasted their email below. Please take a minute to read the alert, take action and then pass it along to friends, family and riding buddies.

Thanks in advance for your support,
Ric Foster
Public Lands Volunteer
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext. 2

NOVA Fund is at Risk!

SB5092 & HB1094 contain language that could redirect the NOVA account and give it directly to the DNR for non-motorized purposes!

Section 961 in both bills state: “(5) During the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium, the legislature may appropriate moneys from the NOVA account to the department of natural resources to support programs that benefit nonhighway road and nonmotorized recreational facilities.”

WOHVA BOD member Jakob Perry was on hand to represent OHV users during the Senate Ways & Means committee meeting last night and spoke out against the potential theft. We’d also like to thank Tod Petersen at the Northwest Motorcycle Association for bringing this issue to light & also testifying. Ted Jackson from Washington ATV Association also testified.  Nice work everyone!

HB1094 is scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations on THU 01/14 at 3:30 PM.  We plan to be there and testify against this language.

How can you help?

Click on each of the bill links at the top of this email, click on the COMMENT ON THIS BILL button and let them know what you think about this attempted theft!

BlueRibbon Coalition/Sharetrails (BRC) is a national non-profit organization that champions responsible recreation and encourages a strong conservation ethic and individual stewardship, while providing leadership in efforts to keep outdoor recreation alive and well — all sports; all trails. With members in all 50 states, BRC is focused on building enthusiast involvement with organizational efforts through membership, outreach, education
and collaboration among recreationists. –

As a non-profit, grassroots organization funded primarily by membership dues and donations, we greatly appreciate your support. Visit https://sharetrails.org/contribution-options/ to help fund our efforts to protect your trails!